
Posted by Carlo on November 28, 2024


文档 仓库



MCP 遵循 客户端-服务器 架构,其中:

  • 主机是LLM应用程序(如 Claude 桌面或 IDE)发起连接
  • 客户端与服务器在主机应用程序内保持 1:1 连接
  • 服务器为客户端提供上下文、工具和提示



  • 关键类包括
    • Protocol
    • Client
    • Server
export declare class Protocol<SendRequestT extends Request, SendNotificationT extends Notification, SendResultT extends Result> {
  private _transport?;
  private _requestMessageId;
  protected _requestHandlers: Map<string, (request: JSONRPCRequest) => Promise<SendResultT>>;
  private _notificationHandlers;
  private _responseHandlers;
  private _progressHandlers;
   * Callback for when the connection is closed for any reason.
   * This is invoked when close() is called as well.
  onclose?: () => void;
   * Callback for when an error occurs.
   * Note that errors are not necessarily fatal; they are used for reporting any kind of exceptional condition out of band.
  onerror?: (error: Error) => void;
   * A handler to invoke for any request types that do not have their own handler installed.
  fallbackRequestHandler?: (request: Request) => Promise<SendResultT>;
   * A handler to invoke for any notification types that do not have their own handler installed.
  fallbackNotificationHandler?: (notification: Notification) => Promise<void>;
   * Attaches to the given transport, starts it, and starts listening for messages.
   * The Protocol object assumes ownership of the Transport, replacing any callbacks that have already been set, and expects that it is the only user of the Transport instance going forward.
  connect(transport: Transport): Promise<void>;
  private _onclose;
  private _onerror;
  private _onnotification;
  private _onrequest;
  private _onprogress;
  private _onresponse;
  get transport(): Transport | undefined;
   * Closes the connection.
  close(): Promise<void>;
   * Sends a request and wait for a response, with optional progress notifications in the meantime (if supported by the server).
   * Do not use this method to emit notifications! Use notification() instead.
  request<T extends ZodType<object>>(request: SendRequestT, resultSchema: T, onprogress?: ProgressCallback): Promise<z.infer<T>>;
   * Emits a notification, which is a one-way message that does not expect a response.
  notification(notification: SendNotificationT): Promise<void>;
   * Registers a handler to invoke when this protocol object receives a request with the given method.
   * Note that this will replace any previous request handler for the same method.
  setRequestHandler<T extends ZodObject<{
    method: ZodLiteral<string>;
  }>>(requestSchema: T, handler: (request: z.infer<T>) => SendResultT | Promise<SendResultT>): void;
   * Removes the request handler for the given method.
  removeRequestHandler(method: string): void;
   * Registers a handler to invoke when this protocol object receives a notification with the given method.
   * Note that this will replace any previous notification handler for the same method.
  setNotificationHandler<T extends ZodObject<{
    method: ZodLiteral<string>;
  }>>(notificationSchema: T, handler: (notification: z.infer<T>) => void | Promise<void>): void;
   * Removes the notification handler for the given method.
  removeNotificationHandler(method: string): void;

export declare class Server<RequestT extends Request = Request, NotificationT extends Notification = Notification, ResultT extends Result = Result> extends Protocol<ServerRequest | RequestT, ServerNotification | NotificationT, ServerResult | ResultT> {
  private _serverInfo;
  private _clientCapabilities?;
  private _clientVersion?;
   * Callback for when initialization has fully completed (i.e., the client has sent an `initialized` notification).
  oninitialized?: () => void;
   * Initializes this server with the given name and version information.
  constructor(_serverInfo: Implementation);
  private _oninitialize;
   * After initialization has completed, this will be populated with the client's reported capabilities.
  getClientCapabilities(): ClientCapabilities | undefined;
   * After initialization has completed, this will be populated with information about the client's name and version.
  getClientVersion(): Implementation | undefined;
  private getCapabilities;
  ping(): Promise<{
    _meta?: import("zod").objectOutputType<{}, import("zod").ZodTypeAny, "passthrough"> | undefined;
  createMessage(params: CreateMessageRequest["params"], onprogress?: ProgressCallback): Promise<import("zod").objectOutputType<import("zod").objectUtil.extendShape<{
    _meta: import("zod").ZodOptional<import("zod").ZodObject<{}, "passthrough", import("zod").ZodTypeAny, import("zod").objectOutputType<{}, import("zod").ZodTypeAny, "passthrough">, import("zod").objectInputType<{}, import("zod").ZodTypeAny, "passthrough">>>;
  }, {
    model: import("zod").ZodString;
    stopReason: import("zod").ZodOptional<import("zod").ZodUnion<[import("zod").ZodEnum<["endTurn", "stopSequence", "maxTokens"]>, import("zod").ZodString]>>;
    role: import("zod").ZodEnum<["user", "assistant"]>;
    content: import("zod").ZodDiscriminatedUnion<"type", [import("zod").ZodObject<{
      type: import("zod").ZodLiteral<"text">;
      text: import("zod").ZodString;
    }, "passthrough", import("zod").ZodTypeAny, import("zod").objectOutputType<{
      type: import("zod").ZodLiteral<"text">;
      text: import("zod").ZodString;
    }, import("zod").ZodTypeAny, "passthrough">, import("zod").objectInputType<{
      type: import("zod").ZodLiteral<"text">;
      text: import("zod").ZodString;
    }, import("zod").ZodTypeAny, "passthrough">>, import("zod").ZodObject<{
      type: import("zod").ZodLiteral<"image">;
      data: import("zod").ZodString;
      mimeType: import("zod").ZodString;
    }, "passthrough", import("zod").ZodTypeAny, import("zod").objectOutputType<{
      type: import("zod").ZodLiteral<"image">;
      data: import("zod").ZodString;
      mimeType: import("zod").ZodString;
    }, import("zod").ZodTypeAny, "passthrough">, import("zod").objectInputType<{
      type: import("zod").ZodLiteral<"image">;
      data: import("zod").ZodString;
      mimeType: import("zod").ZodString;
    }, import("zod").ZodTypeAny, "passthrough">>]>;
  }>, import("zod").ZodTypeAny, "passthrough">>;
  listRoots(params?: ListRootsRequest["params"], onprogress?: ProgressCallback): Promise<import("zod").objectOutputType<import("zod").objectUtil.extendShape<{
    _meta: import("zod").ZodOptional<import("zod").ZodObject<{}, "passthrough", import("zod").ZodTypeAny, import("zod").objectOutputType<{}, import("zod").ZodTypeAny, "passthrough">, import("zod").objectInputType<{}, import("zod").ZodTypeAny, "passthrough">>>;
  }, {
    roots: import("zod").ZodArray<import("zod").ZodObject<{
      uri: import("zod").ZodString;
      name: import("zod").ZodOptional<import("zod").ZodString>;
    }, "passthrough", import("zod").ZodTypeAny, import("zod").objectOutputType<{
      uri: import("zod").ZodString;
      name: import("zod").ZodOptional<import("zod").ZodString>;
    }, import("zod").ZodTypeAny, "passthrough">, import("zod").objectInputType<{
      uri: import("zod").ZodString;
      name: import("zod").ZodOptional<import("zod").ZodString>;
    }, import("zod").ZodTypeAny, "passthrough">>, "many">;
  }>, import("zod").ZodTypeAny, "passthrough">>;
  sendLoggingMessage(params: LoggingMessageNotification["params"]): Promise<void>;
  sendResourceUpdated(params: ResourceUpdatedNotification["params"]): Promise<void>;
  sendResourceListChanged(): Promise<void>;
  sendToolListChanged(): Promise<void>;
  sendPromptListChanged(): Promise<void>;

export class Client extends Protocol {
   * Initializes this client with the given name and version information.
  constructor(_clientInfo) {
    this._clientInfo = _clientInfo;
  async connect(transport) {
    await super.connect(transport);
    const result = await this.request({
      method: "initialize",
      params: {
        protocolVersion: LATEST_PROTOCOL_VERSION,
        capabilities: {},
        clientInfo: this._clientInfo,
    }, InitializeResultSchema);
    if (result === undefined) {
      throw new Error(`Server sent invalid initialize result: ${result}`);
    if (!SUPPORTED_PROTOCOL_VERSIONS.includes(result.protocolVersion)) {
      throw new Error(`Server's protocol version is not supported: ${result.protocolVersion}`);
    this._serverCapabilities = result.capabilities;
    this._serverVersion = result.serverInfo;
    await this.notification({
      method: "notifications/initialized",
   * After initialization has completed, this will be populated with the server's reported capabilities.
  getServerCapabilities() {
    return this._serverCapabilities;
   * After initialization has completed, this will be populated with information about the server's name and version.
  getServerVersion() {
    return this._serverVersion;
  async ping() {
    return this.request({ method: "ping" }, EmptyResultSchema);
  async complete(params, onprogress) {
    return this.request({ method: "completion/complete", params }, CompleteResultSchema, onprogress);
  async setLoggingLevel(level) {
    return this.request({ method: "logging/setLevel", params: { level } }, EmptyResultSchema);
  async getPrompt(params, onprogress) {
    return this.request({ method: "prompts/get", params }, GetPromptResultSchema, onprogress);
  async listPrompts(params, onprogress) {
    return this.request({ method: "prompts/list", params }, ListPromptsResultSchema, onprogress);
  async listResources(params, onprogress) {
    return this.request({ method: "resources/list", params }, ListResourcesResultSchema, onprogress);
  async listResourceTemplates(params, onprogress) {
    return this.request({ method: "resources/templates/list", params }, ListResourceTemplatesResultSchema, onprogress);
  async readResource(params, onprogress) {
    return this.request({ method: "resources/read", params }, ReadResourceResultSchema, onprogress);
  async subscribeResource(params) {
    return this.request({ method: "resources/subscribe", params }, EmptyResultSchema);
  async unsubscribeResource(params) {
    return this.request({ method: "resources/unsubscribe", params }, EmptyResultSchema);
  async callTool(params, resultSchema = CallToolResultSchema, onprogress) {
    return this.request({ method: "tools/call", params }, resultSchema, onprogress);
  async listTools(params, onprogress) {
    return this.request({ method: "tools/list", params }, ListToolsResultSchema, onprogress);
  async sendRootsListChanged() {
    return this.notification({ method: "notifications/roots/list_changed" });


  • Stdio transport 标准输入输出传输
    • 使用标准输入/输出进行通信
    • 非常适合本地流程
  • SSE transport 使用 SSE 传输
    • 使用服务器发送事件执行服务器到客户端的消息
    • HTTP POST 用于客户端到服务器的消息
  • 所有传输都使用 JSON-RPC 2.0 来交换消息。请参阅规范以获取有关模型上下文协议消息格式的详细信息。
import { JSONRPCMessage } from "../types.js";
import { Transport } from "../shared/transport.js";
export type StdioServerParameters = {
     * The executable to run to start the server.
    command: string;
     * Command line arguments to pass to the executable.
    args?: string[];
     * The environment to use when spawning the process.
     * If not specified, the result of getDefaultEnvironment() will be used.
    env?: Record<string, string>;
 * Environment variables to inherit by default, if an environment is not explicitly given.
export declare const DEFAULT_INHERITED_ENV_VARS: string[];
 * Returns a default environment object including only environment variables deemed safe to inherit.
export declare function getDefaultEnvironment(): Record<string, string>;
 * Client transport for stdio: this will connect to a server by spawning a process and communicating with it over stdin/stdout.
 * This transport is only available in Node.js environments.
export declare class StdioClientTransport implements Transport {
    private _process?;
    private _abortController;
    private _readBuffer;
    private _serverParams;
    onclose?: () => void;
    onerror?: (error: Error) => void;
    onmessage?: (message: JSONRPCMessage) => void;
    constructor(server: StdioServerParameters);
     * Starts the server process and prepares to communicate with it.
    start(): Promise<void>;
    private processReadBuffer;
    close(): Promise<void>;
    send(message: JSONRPCMessage): Promise<void>;

import { Transport } from "../shared/transport.js";
import { JSONRPCMessage } from "../types.js";
 * Client transport for WebSocket: this will connect to a server over the WebSocket protocol.
export declare class WebSocketClientTransport implements Transport {
  private _socket?;
  private _url;
  onclose?: () => void;
  onerror?: (error: Error) => void;
  onmessage?: (message: JSONRPCMessage) => void;
  constructor(url: URL);
  start(): Promise<void>;
  close(): Promise<void>;
  send(message: JSONRPCMessage): Promise<void>;

import { Transport } from "../shared/transport.js";
import { JSONRPCMessage } from "../types.js";
 * Client transport for SSE: this will connect to a server using Server-Sent Events for receiving
 * messages and make separate POST requests for sending messages.
 * This uses the EventSource API in browsers. You can install the `eventsource` package for Node.js.
export declare class SSEClientTransport implements Transport {
  private _eventSource?;
  private _endpoint?;
  private _abortController?;
  private _url;
  onclose?: () => void;
  onerror?: (error: Error) => void;
  onmessage?: (message: JSONRPCMessage) => void;
  constructor(url: URL);
  start(): Promise<void>;
  close(): Promise<void>;
  send(message: JSONRPCMessage): Promise<void>;


  • Requests 请求期望从另一端得到响应
    interface Request {
    method: string;
    params?: { };
  • Notifications 通知是一方向的消息,不需要回复 ```ts

interface Notification { method: string; params?: { }; }

- Results 结果是请求的成功响应:

interface Result {
  [key: string]: unknown;

  • Errors 错误表明请求失败: ```ts interface Error { code: number; message: string; data?: unknown; } enum ErrorCode { // Standard JSON-RPC error codes ParseError = -32700, InvalidRequest = -32600, MethodNotFound = -32601, InvalidParams = -32602, InternalError = -32603 }
SDKs 和应用程序可以定义自己的错误代码,大于-32000。 错误通过以下方式传播:
- 错误响应请求
- 传输错误事件
- 协议级错误处理器
### 连接生命周期
1. 初始化
    - 客户端发送带有协议版本和功能的 initialize 请求
    - 服务器响应其协议版本和功能
    - 客户端发送 initialized 通知作为确认
    - 普通消息交换开始
2. 消息交换
    - 请求-响应:客户端或服务器发送请求,另一方响应
    - 通知:任何一方发送单向消息
3. 终止
    - 任何一方都可以终止连接:
        - 通过 close() 进行干净关闭
        - 网络端口
        - 出现错误
## Inspector 检查员
MCP 检查员是一个用于测试和调试 MCP 服务器的交互式开发工具。
检查员直接运行 npx ,无需安装:
npx -y @modelcontextprotocol/inspector npx server-postgres postgresql://postgres:123456@localhost:5432/postgres


  • 允许选择连接到服务器的传输方式
  • 对于本地服务器,支持自定义命令行参数和环境变量


  • 列出所有可用资源
  • 显示资源元数据(MIME 类型、描述)
  • 允许资源内容检查
  • 支持订阅测试


  • 显示可用的提示模板
  • 显示提示参数和描述
  • 启用带自定义参数的快速测试
  • 预览生成的消息


  • 工具列表
  • 显示工具架构和描述
  • 启用具有自定义输入的工具测试
  • 显示工具执行结果


  • 展示服务器记录的所有日志
  • 显示来自服务器的通知



use serde::Deserialize;
use std::env;
use zed::settings::ContextServerSettings;
use zed_extension_api::{self as zed, serde_json, Command, ContextServerId, Project, Result};

const PACKAGE_NAME: &str = "@zeddotdev/postgres-context-server";
const PACKAGE_VERSION: &str = "0.1.2";
const SERVER_PATH: &str = "node_modules/@zeddotdev/postgres-context-server/index.mjs";
struct PostgresModelContextExtension;
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize)]
struct PostgresContextServerSettings {
    database_url: String,
impl zed::Extension for PostgresModelContextExtension {
    fn new() -> Self {
    fn context_server_command(
        &mut self,
        _context_server_id: &ContextServerId,
        project: &Project,
    ) -> Result<Command> {
        let version = zed::npm_package_installed_version(PACKAGE_NAME)?;
        if version.as_deref() != Some(PACKAGE_VERSION) {
            //检查并确保正确版本的 Node.js 包已安装
            zed::npm_install_package(PACKAGE_NAME, PACKAGE_VERSION)?;
        let settings = ContextServerSettings::for_project("postgres-context-server", project)?;
        let Some(settings) = settings.settings else {
            //验证必要的 `database_url` 设置
            return Err("missing `database_url` setting".into());
        let settings: PostgresContextServerSettings =
            serde_json::from_value(settings).map_err(|e| e.to_string())?;
        Ok(Command {
            //创建命令来启动 Node.js 服务器
            command: "node".to_string(),
            args: vec![
            env: vec![
                //传递数据库 URL 作为环境变量
                ("DATABASE_URL".into(), settings.database_url)


node.js 服务器

#!/usr/bin/env node
// 指定使用 Node.js 运行此脚本
// 导入必要的依赖包
import pg from "pg";// 导入 PostgreSQL 客户端
import { Server } from "@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/server/index.js";// 导入 MCP 服务器 
import { StdioServerTransport } from "@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/server/stdio.js";// 导入标准输入输出传输
// 导入各种请求模式定义
import {
  CallToolRequestSchema, // 调用工具请求模式
  ListResourcesRequestSchema, // 列出资源请求模式
  ListPromptsRequestSchema, // 列出提示请求模式
  ListToolsRequestSchema, // 列出工具请求模式
  ReadResourceRequestSchema, // 读取资源请求模式
  GetPromptRequestSchema, // 获取提示请求模式
  CompleteRequestSchema, // 完成请求模式
} from "@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/types.js";

// 创建新的 MCP 服务器实例
const server = new Server({
  name: "postgres-context-server", // 服务器名称
  version: "0.1.0", // 版本号

// 获取数据库连接 URL
const databaseUrl = process.env.DATABASE_URL;
// 验证数据库 URL 是否有效
if (typeof databaseUrl == null || databaseUrl.trim().length === 0) {
  console.error("Please provide a DATABASE_URL environment variable"); // 输出错误信息
  process.exit(1); // 退出程序

// 创建资源基础 URL
const resourceBaseUrl = new URL(databaseUrl);
resourceBaseUrl.protocol = "postgres:"; // 设置协议
resourceBaseUrl.password = ""; // 清空密码

// 输出服务器启动信息
process.stderr.write("starting server. url: " + databaseUrl + "\n");
// 创建数据库连接池
const pool = new pg.Pool({
  connectionString: databaseUrl,

// 定义常量
const SCHEMA_PATH = "schema"; // schema 路径
const SCHEMA_PROMPT_NAME = "pg-schema"; // schema 提示名称
const ALL_TABLES = "all-tables"; // 所有表标识符

// 处理列出资源请求
// 工作流程:
// - 连接数据库
// - 查询所有公共 schema 的表
// - 为每个表构建资源 URI
// - 返回资源列表
// - 释放连接
server.setRequestHandler(ListResourcesRequestSchema, async () => {
  const client = await pool.connect(); // 获取数据库连接
  try {
    // 查询所有公共schema的表
    const result = await client.query(
            "SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'public'",
    return {
      resources: => ({
        uri: new URL(`${row.table_name}/${SCHEMA_PATH}`, resourceBaseUrl).href, // 构建资源URI
        mimeType: "application/json", // 设置MIME类型
        name: `"${row.table_name}" database schema`, // 设置资源名称
  } finally {
    client.release(); // 释放数据库连接

// 处理读取资源请求
// 工作流程:
// - 解析请求的资源 URI
// - 提取表名和 schema 信息
// - 查询指定表的列信息
// - 返回 JSON 格式的列信息
// - 释放数据库连接
server.setRequestHandler(ReadResourceRequestSchema, async (request) => {
  const resourceUrl = new URL(request.params.uri); // 解析资源URL

  // 解析路径组件
  const pathComponents = resourceUrl.pathname.split("/");
  const schema = pathComponents.pop();
  const tableName = pathComponents.pop();

  // 验证schema路径
  if (schema !== SCHEMA_PATH) {
    throw new Error("Invalid resource URI");

  const client = await pool.connect(); // 获取数据库连接
  try {
    // 查询表的列信息
    const result = await client.query(
            "SELECT column_name, data_type FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name = $1",

    return {
      contents: [
          uri: request.params.uri, // 资源URI
          mimeType: "application/json", // MIME类型
          text: JSON.stringify(result.rows, null, 2), // 格式化JSON输出
  } finally {
    client.release(); // 释放数据库连接

// 处理列出工具请求
// 工作流程:
// - 返回可用工具列表
// - 当前只提供一个 "query" 工具,用于执行只读 SQL 查询
server.setRequestHandler(ListToolsRequestSchema, async () => {
  return {
    tools: [
        name: "query", // 工具名称
        description: "Run a read-only SQL query", // 工具描述
        inputSchema: {
          type: "object", // 输入模式类型
          properties: {
            sql: { type: "string" }, // SQL查询字符串

// 处理调用工具请求
// 工作流程:
// - 验证工具名称
// - 开始只读事务
// - 执行 SQL 查询
// - 返回查询结果
// - 回滚事务并释放连接
server.setRequestHandler(CallToolRequestSchema, async (request) => {
  if ( === "query") {
    const sql = request.params.arguments?.sql; // 获取SQL查询

    const client = await pool.connect(); // 获取数据库连接
    try {
      await client.query("BEGIN TRANSACTION READ ONLY"); // 开始只读事务
      const result = await client.query(sql); // 执行查询
      return { toolResult: result.rows }; // 返回查询结果
    } catch (error) {
      throw error; // 抛出错误
    } finally {
      // 回滚事务
              .catch((error) =>
                      console.warn("Could not roll back transaction:", error),

      client.release(); // 释放数据库连接
  throw new Error("Tool not found"); // 工具未找到错误

// 处理自动完成请求
// 工作流程:
// - 验证提示名称
// - 检查是否已有参数
// - 查询所有表名
// - 返回可用的表名列表作为自动完成选项
server.setRequestHandler(CompleteRequestSchema, async (request) => {
  process.stderr.write("Handling completions/complete request\n"); // 输出调试信息

  if ( === SCHEMA_PROMPT_NAME) {
    const tableNameQuery = request.params.argument.value; // 获取表名查询
    const alreadyHasArg = /\S*\s/.test(tableNameQuery); // 检查是否已有参数

    // 如果已有参数,返回空结果
    if (alreadyHasArg) {
      return {
        completion: {
          values: [],

    const client = await pool.connect(); // 获取数据库连接
    try {
      // 查询所有表名
      const result = await client.query(
              "SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'public'",
      const tables = => row.table_name); // 提取表名
      return {
        completion: {
          values: [ALL_TABLES, ...tables], // 返回所有表名和特殊标识符
    } finally {
      client.release(); // 释放数据库连接

  throw new Error("unknown prompt"); // 未知提示错误

// 处理列出提示请求
// 工作流程:
// - 返回可用提示列表
// - 包含 schema 提示的描述和参数信息 
server.setRequestHandler(ListPromptsRequestSchema, async () => {
  process.stderr.write("Handling prompts/list request\n"); // 输出调试信息

  return {
    prompts: [
        name: SCHEMA_PROMPT_NAME, // 提示名称
        description: "Retrieve the schema for a given table in the postgres database", // 提示描述
        arguments: [
            name: "tableName", // 参数名称
            description: "the table to describe", // 参数描述
            required: true, // 必填参数

// 处理获取提示请求
// 工作流程:
// - 验证表名参数
// - 查询表的详细信息
// - 返回格式化的 SQL 代码
server.setRequestHandler(GetPromptRequestSchema, async (request) => {
  process.stderr.write("Handling prompts/get request\n"); // 输出调试信息

  if ( === SCHEMA_PROMPT_NAME) {
    const tableName = request.params.arguments?.tableName; // 获取表名

    // 验证表名
    if (typeof tableName !== "string" || tableName.length === 0) {
      throw new Error(`Invalid tableName: ${tableName}`);

    const client = await pool.connect(); // 获取数据库连接

    try {
      // 构建基础查询
      const select =
              "SELECT column_name, data_type, is_nullable, column_default, table_name FROM information_schema.columns";

      let result;
      // 根据是否查询所有表执行不同的查询
      if (tableName === ALL_TABLES) {
        result = await client.query(
                `${select} WHERE table_schema NOT IN ('pg_catalog', 'information_schema')`,
      } else {
        result = await client.query(
                `${select} WHERE table_name = $1`, [tableName],

      // 获取所有唯一表名并排序
      const allTableNames = Array.from(
              new Set( => row.table_name).sort()),

      // 构建SQL创建表语句
      let sql = "```sql\n";
      for (let i = 0, len = allTableNames.length; i < len; i++) {
        const tableName = allTableNames[i];
        if (i > 0) {
          sql += "\n";

        // 为每个表构建创建表语句
        sql += [
          `create table "${tableName}" (`,
                  .filter((row) => row.table_name === tableName)
                  .map((row) => {
                    const notNull = row.is_nullable === "NO" ? "" : " not null"; // 处理非空约束
                    const defaultValue =
                            row.column_default != null
                                    ? ` default ${row.column_default}` // 处理默认值
                                    : "";
                    return `    "${row.column_name}" ${row.data_type}${notNull}${defaultValue}`; // 构建列定义
        sql += "\n";
      sql += "```";

      // 返回提示响应
      return {
                tableName === ALL_TABLES
                        ? "all table schemas" // 所有表的描述
                        : `${tableName} schema`, // 单个表的描述
        messages: [
            role: "user",
            content: {
              type: "text",
              text: sql, // SQL创建表语句
    } finally {
      client.release(); // 释放数据库连接

  throw new Error(`Prompt '${}' not implemented`); // 提示未实现错误

// 运行服务器的主函数
// 工作流程:
// - 创建标准输入输出传输
// - 连接服务器
// - 开始处理请求
async function runServer() {
  const transport = new StdioServerTransport(); // 创建标准输入输出传输
  await server.connect(transport); // 连接服务器

// 启动服务器并处理错误
runServer().catch((error) => {
  console.error(error); // 输出错误信息
  process.exit(1); // 退出程序


graph TD
    A[客户端请求] --> B{请求类型判断}
    B -->|ListResources| C[查询所有表]
    B -->|ReadResource| D[查询表结构]
    B -->|ListTools| E[返回工具列表]
    B -->|CallTool| F[执行SQL查询]
    B -->|Complete| G[提供自动完成]
    B -->|ListPrompts| H[返回提示列表]
    B -->|GetPrompt| I[生成Schema SQL]
    C --> J[返回响应]
    D --> J
    E --> J
    F --> J
    G --> J
    H --> J
    I --> J
    J --> K[释放资源]
    K --> L[结束请求]


  1. 验证输入参数
  2. 获取数据库连接
  3. 执行必要的查询
  4. 处理结果
  5. 释放资源
  6. 返回响应


  • 资源的正确管理
  • 错误的适当处理
  • 连接的及时释放
  • 响应的一致性

    Zed 编辑器和 MCP 的交互流程

      participant Zed as Zed Editor
      participant Rust as Rust Extension
      participant Node as Node.js Server
      participant PG as PostgreSQL
      Zed->>Rust: 启动 MCP
      Rust->>Node: 启动服务器
      Node->>PG: 连接数据库
      Node-->>Zed: 返回服务器端口
      loop Context Requests
          Zed->>Node: 发送上下文请求
          Node->>PG: 查询数据库
          PG-->>Node: 返回数据
          Node-->>Zed: 返回上下文信息
  1. 提供的主要信息类型:
    • 数据库表结构
    • 列名和数据类型
    • 表之间的关系
    • 约束信息
    • 索引信息
    • 视图定义
    • 存储过程和函数
  2. 使用场景示例:
    SELECT * FROM us|  -- 光标位置

    当用户在此处输入时,MCP 会:

  3. 检测到用户正在输入表名
  4. 查询数据库中的所有表
  5. 提供以 “us” 开头的表名建议
  6. 在用户选择表后,可以继续提供该表的列信息


  • 实时数据库结构信息
  • 智能代码补全
  • SQL 语法验证
  • 表关系提示
  • 字段类型检查

通过这种方式,Postgres SQL MCP 为 Zed 编辑器提供了丰富的数据库上下文信息,提高了 SQL 编写的效率和准确性。